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What is Content Creation?

When you hear “content marketing,” what do you think of? If you’re like most businesses, I work with, probably blogging that’s integrated social media marketing.

While blogging is extremely effective (as AdEspresso can show!), there are a large number of other types of content that you can—and should—add to your content marketing arsenal.

Different types of content can help you connect with different customers in a number of ways. In many cases, a variety of content types is ideal for reaching and connecting with users at different points of the digital sales funnel.

In this post, we’re going to look at the eight most popular different types of content and how to use them to win new leads and drive sales.



You know we had to talk about blog posts first. For many brands, blog posts make up the central part of their content marketing strategy. There’s a good reason for this: blog posts typically don’t take too long to write, they’re easily found by Google, users are happy to read and share them, and it’s a quick way to offer value at a relatively low cost.

Longform Content

Long-form content that is free and available online is a fantastic way to build thought leadership and increase subscribers. All you have to do is say “Subscribe so we’ll let you know when the next chapter of our guide comes out!” Ultimate Guides are one of the best types of long-form content that you can create. Many businesses, like AdEspresso, have them separated from the regular blog.

Case Studies

Case studies are in-depth examinations covering a specific scenario or example, which should provide both knowledge and actionable information. They’re fantastic for several reasons: they allow you to establish thought leadership, are unique, and are highly shareable—because this is your data, someone else can’t just spontaneously have the same idea (cough, cough).

White Papers

White papers are information-dense content that can offer solutions and data on a particular subject. The focus here is all on the details. They’re exceptional when you want to build thought leadership and respect within the industry, and can make great lead magnets. Because they’re so packed with information, white papers do take longer to write.


Ebooks seem a little daunting the first time you write them, but they’re great lead magnets and—if evergreen—can stay great lead magnets forever. While they do take more time and money to make, you can outsource the process to a freelance writer who has experience with writing them.


Infographics allow you to pack a ton of information into one image in a way that is visually interesting and easily digestible. If you’ve got fifteen different statistics from a case study, for example, would you see: an infographic with visual representations, charts, and graphics

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